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Ram Darbaar


“Nana bhaati Ram Avataara,

Ramayan sat koti apara”

Translation: Many are the forms of Lord Rama’s incarnation, Myriad are the ways of singing Rama’s saga


In the Spirit of Diwali, here is a beautiful bhajan on Ram. This bhajan is about the coronation of Shri Ram and Sita.

Diwali is a festival of lights, celebrating the arrival of Lord Ram in Ayodhya. This bhajan shows the exact same thing.  When Ram was made the king, people all around the world came to see the event. Infact, such was the beauty of the event that even Gods could not stop themselves from singing praises of Lord Ram.

Whenever I hear this bhajan, I realize that there is so much more to life than the materialistic, short lived pleasures that we surround ourselves with. Through Lord Rama’s name our soul becomes enlightened. In today’s world, each person’s character has shades of grey. Very few people have pure white shades. Only through the enlightenment can we find the shade of white in our shades of grey.  With that thought, lets work towards finding the light in our minds, in our souls. A very happy Diwali to all of you!